Management Services
Management Services
The use of interim senior executives is becoming common. The use of such external expertise not only provides an outsider’s perspective but bypasses an investment in and often a ongoing commitment to employee buildup.
Such management services include engagement at the program, C-level or strategic levels. The role of the interim executive is not defined by a statement of work (SOW) but rather by function in the need for functional expertise. The interim executive has a span of control similar to an employee executive and in most cases with explicit authority over company employees for extended periods of time.
The value of that approach to startups is well established in C-level roles from corporate development to marketing to channel creation to manufacturing and even engineering. Founders often have niche expertise and need help in growing into well rounded business executives. It is also often the most cost effective way to secure experienced talent which could not be afforded exclusively by instead accessing it on a retainer basis.
A key aspect of management services includes executive mentoring in developing founder talent in the case of startups or in executive development for established companies which may be attempting to grow into new segments or under new competitive pressures.
For mid-sized and large corporations the use of the interim executive often resolves the organizational tension between how to have the best and the brightest engaged at the program and strategic levels in order to optimize for success while simultaneously mitigating ongoing OPEX.
For established companies the benefit of such interim executives is particularly valuable when there is a desire to attack a new business segments in which the company does not have either sufficient depth of experience or sufficient headcount to address.
Corporate reorganizations, the creation of new business units and spinouts are also well served by this type of engagement.
Often a reorganization results in the creation of a new business unit that in the shuffle of employees ends up with gaps in the match of employee skills versus organizational roles.
In many cases either interim senior management placed into these roles or retainer-based support for executives now in unfamiliar roles can minimize the lag time to effective business unit execution and assure a realistic and successful strategy is established for the new unit.
Because our consultants have decades of C-level and governance experience, Allawos & Company is uniquely positioned to help you with interim C-level management, executive mentoring, or in other modes of management services. This includes every dimension of your business from strategy through operations.
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- Sir Winston Churchill